Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Vids - 1

Been playing about with iMovie tonight... Dunno what it'll end up looking like on here, quality-wise, but here's a wee bit of footy of me down at unit 13 and some trains up at the trails with Irish Mike, Rob, Ross, Shine & Terry, with me bringing up the rear, and crashing...

unit13-270708 from BrianP on Vimeo.

trailscompilation from BrianP on Vimeo.

Saturday, 5 July 2008


Don't you just love the rain?
Woke at 7:45am this morning to get ready to head off on a trip to Bushy skatepark in Dublin.
Lookin' out the bathroom window... pourin' rain.
Got a call to say it was the same in Dublin, so the trip was abandoned.
Gotta love the weather, huh?

Bushy skatepark, pic taken last summer: